by Bramble

Words: Defining Your Intention

Words are often thought of and used as magical tools. There are even exact words and phrases for spells and invocations. Using the same words repeatedly can add substance, but then using words filled with inspiration that resonate with you also has power and tends to be the path of our tradition (Reclaiming).

What we manifest is brought down from vision into manifested physical reality with words. Even when we do not speak the words, we use words to form our thoughts, what we want, what we desire, what it all means. It may well be this very act of sorting it all out which facilitates the manifestation, because we are using our consciousness and putting out energy to know what we are trying to bring into being, what feelings are associated with it, what gets in our way, etc.

In the Kabbalah tree of life, there is a path that is interestingly designated to the Hierophant. The Hebrew word associated with this path means nail with the idea that words become nails to hang things on, and as you hang the ideas on the word nail, they become denser and begin to attract energy, forces and momentum to call thing into manifestation. (which explains the many teachings which warn against negative thoughts and the danger of manifesting exactly what you don't want).

The Hierophant in the Tarot major arcana is similar to The Magician. The Magician raises his wand to god/universe and brings into being, The Hierophant is the mediator between god/universe and the physical, he is a psychopomp that helps us travel between the physical and nonphysical realms. One hand is raised in a blessing or benediction, "Let there be", in the other hand he holds a cross with three cross bars representing the three realms, above, below and the physical. Before " him' the neophytes kneel wearing suspenders shaped like a "Y" representing the nail bringing forces together in the top "V" on the nail gathering substance until it is brought to earth to manifest physically in the bottom of the Y joining forces into density.

Even biblically God calls the world into being. "In the beginning was the word" And God Said Let There Be...............

Exchange: Cinderella's Pumpkin

Often in spells something is given in exchange. We use our negative energy or the very thing that is bothering us or getting in our way and we release it. Often in spells we are not pulling rabbits out of thin air. We are really transforming something into something else. Like Cinderella's Fairy Godmother we are turning pumpkins into coaches.

Energy and conditions in our lives that we want to change are used to fuel the manifestation of or vision or desire. Similar to grounding, where we release stress or whatever gets in our way into the core to be transformed or composted. In exchange a new pure energy rises up to meet us. We have both fed the fire in the earth and made space for something new to come into us. Releasing the old energy, we have room to receive. Spells work like this too. As we look at what we hope to transform or manifest we may find there are attached forces that get in our way or prevent us from having what we desire. There may be negative beliefs, or ways of acting in the world that prevent us from change. As we identify what holds us back or gets in the way we can release it, and through the process learn about the conditions surrounding the thing we hope to call into being. We offer up our blocks to transform which can be used as fuel to bring in the new, and in a sense provides the pumpkin, and make space for the new.

Feel the Outcome

Connect to the feeling you'd have if your wish was fulfilled is one of the most common pieces of advice around manifestation. What we hope for doesn't always show up exactly as we have defined it. If you focus on the feeling, you leave room for possibility to help you shape your desires into reality.

Why do you want what you want is always a good question. What are you hoping for? That great job you hope to manifest might not be the best outcome if you are looking to love your work and be valued. If you focus on the feeling rather than the specific, you may find other paths you haven't consider open up. Instead of the specific hold a vision of what your life would feel like living in this way, feel into the feeling from a dropped and open place.

Let Go

When you release the spell, you let it go. As my friend Travis pointed out the Charge of the Goddess says “I am that which is attained at the end of desire”. To keep at it is like having your order taken at a restaurant; if you don’t stop talking your server won’t know when to leave to prepare your order. They’ll stay waiting for you to finish, listening for adjustments. Most systems advise not to think about the thing that you have set in motion, giving it time to work. Writing your wish on a piece of paper and putting it away for a period of time is a common practice.

You've asked the universe for help, you got to let it go. You can't receive help while trying to control everything. Open to possibility and let it go. My understanding is the space thing. Making space for the new to come in. If you are busy filling it with more there is no room for anything new to come in. Respond to signs & synchronic events, but release into the mystery.

New Age Disappointment

Spells don't always work. They just don't. One of my favorite explanations, from I forget which book, which the author says it's hard to manifest physically with your intention and if you don't believe that just ask a smoker that's trying to quit. What exists has a life and momentum of its own.

It may be odd for a witch to warn against magical thinking, but while I totally believe in magic and possibility, I also believe in chopping wood and carrying water. There are a number of other reasons spell may fail. I really like one explanation that came from RJ Stewart. You have the right to choose, but what you choose may have to play out before you can choose something else. We make choices, it manifests, and then we have to follow through in the karmic implications of that choice. Some choices, or perhaps it's true to say choices close some doors, to choose this you don't choose something else. Sometimes what you choose will take a long time to change. Having children will change your life in ways that will make manifesting some other things impossible or delayed, etc.

Another explanation I really like of some of the forces at work comes from a physicist I love, Dr. Amit Goswami. His documentary is called The Quantum Activist and I watch it every time it comes on. He says why is it we can't materialize? His explanation is something like that the place of change comes from a bigger place of connectedness were things like waiting cars, etc are not relevant. It is in the connection to the whole place, and that place of universal wholeness does help, but it helps where the need is most urgent. He says to imagine it of everyone wanting a green light while all going different ways. We can not all have a green light at the same time. But in this place of universal wholeness intelligence may give the green light to your friend who needs to get to the hospital.

By All the Powers of 3 X 3
By Earth, By Fire, By Air, By Sea
This Spell Bound Round Shall Be
To Do No Harm, Nor Turn On Me
As I Do Will, So Mote It Be

Learnt at Saphio Camp from Jessie